brakes might brake discs pads may brake pedal rotors rights reserved squeaking noise service car vehicle noise stop sign rotor surface noises rust one brake squeak pad material mechanic wheels squeal times friction page

Why Are My New Brakes Squeaking And How To Stop Them?

There are times when new brakes also squeak, and it may occur more often than not. But to some people, it might be a bit of a surprise that new brakes also squeak. There can be multiple reasons why new brakes squeak.

There is nothing more frustrating when you drive away from your repair shop only to find out that the new brakes that you have gotten installed have started to squeaking. But there’s no need to be frustrated because you have come to the right place to find the solution to this irritating problem.

Faulty workmanship, problematic installation, or a low quality brake pad are some of the most obvious ones. But there is more to this issue than meets the eye. Keep reading to find everything you need to tackle the issue of squeaking new brakes.

Different types of brakes

There are two different types of brakes most car models come with. One of them is disc brakes, and the other one is drum brakes. Let s look at each of them one by one.

brakes might brake discs pads may brake pedal rotors rights reserved squeaking noise service car vehicle noise stop sign rotor surface noises rust one brake squeak pad material mechanic wheels squeal times friction page

Disc Brakes

Disc brakes are found on most modern car models because they are very powerful. With these brakes, the pad presses right on the disc or rotor to stop the vehicle. Disc brakes are prone to morning squeaks, especially after overnight rain. They are also prone to squeaking caused by condensation or dew. If you go for cheap quality disc brakes, then they will squeak as well as they wear out quickly.

Drum Brakes

In most cases, vehicles have these brakes on the rear end. These brakes feature a curved pad that presses on a hollow drum to stop your car. These car brakes start to squeak when the points in contact run out of lubrication.

Why is My New Brakes Squeaking?

brakes might brake discs pads may brake pedal rotors rights reserved squeaking noise service car vehicle noise stop sign rotor surface noises rust one brake squeak pad material mechanic wheels squeal times friction page

To get to the solution, you have to identify the problem first. There are different types of brake squeals, and you have to identify them to get to the desired solution.

Normal reasons for brake squeaks


Moisture is one of the primary reasons why new brakes start squeaking. And it occurs due to snow, rain, and ice build-up between rotors and pads. These are the two parts that get in contact with each other when you push the brakes. Overnight condensation is another cause of this matter, and so is surface rust. As you continue to drive, the squeaking noises will subside.

Heavy vehicle usage

As you have your new brake pads, you will start making use of them immediately and will, of course drive with more confidence. Most people go for a new brake installation before they set on the road for the mountains.

These are the roads that will put your brakes to their full use. As a result, the new brakes start squeaking. The cause here is that there is a lot of pressure on the brakes on these terrains, and they get hot, resulting in audible brake squeaks.

Some break-in lingering

Your new brakes also require an initial break-in after you have installed them. In this break-in period, the brake pad comes in contact with the rotor in the right way for the first time. And as it settles, the squeaking sound deteriorates. Normally it only lasts for a few miles.

Brakes squeaking abnormally

Grinding instead of squeaking

At times, your new brakes don’t make a squeaking sound. Instead, it is more of a grinding noise metal on metal. In that case, it means that your brake pads are gone for good, or the metal plates of the brakes are exposed and grinding against the rotors. It might be due to faulty workmanship.

Different brake noise and more

If there are different brake noises and a lot more like burning smell, etc., then there is something wrong in the braking systems. It might be due to faulty installation.

Reasons for brake squeaking

Brake pad materials

One of the common reasons why new brakes start to squeak is the materials of the brake pads. These pads are made of hybrid products like silicone and metal shavings as the friction material. It means that the new pads will be abrasive. Manufacturers apply some protectants to keep the pads from degrading too early.

brakes might brake discs pads may brake pedal rotors rights reserved squeaking noise service car vehicle noise stop sign rotor surface noises rust one brake squeak pad material mechanic wheels squeal times friction page

Rotor quality

These brake pads get pushed into the rotor by the brake caliper creating friction. It slows the spinning rotor. With an abrasive pad contacting a rotor that is uneven, the brake system will start to squeak and even vibrate.

brakes might brake discs pads may brake pedal rotors rights reserved squeaking noise service car vehicle noise stop sign rotor surface noises rust one brake squeak pad material mechanic wheels squeal times friction page

Bedding process

New brake pads are abrasive, and they have protectants coated on by the manufacturers, as we mentioned above. At times these protectants can also cause noise. It is especially the case with newly installed brakes that have to go through the break-in miles.


When there is too much moisture in the air, it can adhere to the rotor, and the braking system starts to make a squeaking sound. This would particularly be the case when the rotor is uneven.

How to Stop Your New Brakes from Squeaking?

Before you start anything, here is a video to quickly understand the process before you give it a read.

Now let’s get down to the business!. If you have just come from the repair shop and are noticing that your new brakes are squeaking, then there are some ways to get this problem resolved.

brakes might brake discs pads may brake pedal rotors rights reserved squeaking noise service car vehicle noise stop sign rotor surface noises rust one brake squeak pad material mechanic wheels squeal times friction page

See if you can differentiate the grinding sound from the squeaking one because if there is a grinding sound, you will have to take your vehicle to the repair shop again and get everything properly aligned. However, if you have noticed that the brake pads are in good condition and rotors are okay, you can handle the issue on your own.

Here are some ways to stop the new brakes from squeaking.

Lubricate the contact points or use dampening paste

It is important for you to lubricate all the contact points, especially the backing plates. This plate gets in contact with the caliper, so you need to lubricate the sliders to keep them smoothly in motion. But make sure not to apply this lubricant to the friction surface that stops the wheel from rotating, or you will reduce the braking quality.

brakes might brake discs pads may brake pedal rotors rights reserved squeaking noise service car vehicle noise stop sign rotor surface noises rust one brake squeak pad material mechanic wheels squeal times friction page

You can also use dampening paste on the back of the pads, which will create a small cushion that can dampen the vibration and will stop any noise. But make sure that you allow the paste some time to dry before you start driving and using the brakes. If you cannot get hold of dampening paste, then you can use some grease and apply that to the brake pads.

Change the brake pads or rotor.

You might need new brake pads and change the surfaces that are in contact, so you can also change the rotor if possible or if they are in bad condition. Here’s another video for your assistance in this regard.

There are different types of brake pads available. Some of them feature semi-metallic pads, others feature organic pads, and then there are metallic pads. They all have their positives and negatives.

Brake pad inspection is pretty easy and simple, but the same can’t be said for rotor inspection and replacement. Apart from that, you also need to look for various qualities when you are going for rotor replacement. In most cases, you will be able to sort the problem out and resolve it if you have a close look at the wear indicators.

Look for any loose parts.

You can look out for any loose parts in your entire braking system. You can turn the pad, caliper, and other components for assessing any loose ends. If the brakes are tight, they will move with your hands, and loose ones will create sounds and vibrate.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I take care of my new brake pads?

Taking care of your new brake pads need to be done right from the word go. Each of your brake pads will perform better and will last longer.

  • When driving on the road, you can start slowing down initially and then apply brakes instead of slimming them and creating more friction.
  • Make sure not to double foot your brake pedal and gas pedal ever. You will be creating a lot more friction this way, and it will wear out your brake pads pretty fast.
  • You can also do costing instead of braking to slow the vehicle down.

How do you stop new brakes from squeaking?

The simplest of all the solutions is to use lubricants on the brake pads and brake rotors (the contact points). You can also go for replacing the brake pads and rotors if lubrication doesn’t work. Also, look for any loose ends and prevent them from vibrating.

How long do brakes squeak after being replaced?

If they have been installed properly and there is no issue with your brake pads or brake rotors, then your newly installed brakes will only take a few miles before they stop squeaking.

Why do my brakes squeak after new pads and rotors?

You might still have to lubricate all the points that get in contact with each other when you press the brakes. Also, check for any loose ends that might continue to vibrate when you drive your vehicle.

Do I need new brakes if they squeak?

That’s generally not the case, especially if you just have installed new brakes. The braking system might require a few tweaks. At times new brakes squeak for a few miles before they break-in. Overnight moisture can also cause this squeaking.

Final Word

Squeaky brakes problem is a pretty common one even if you have gone for brake pad replacement. Whether you have disc brakes or drum brakes, the issue can prevail in both cases.

The problem might be with the backing plate or braking pad, rotor. Maybe they haven’t been installed properly, or you might have to add a layer of lubrication or tighten them up. A protective layer of dampening paste or shims can also do the job.

There are various other tips that you can follow in this regard. Just make sure to keep an eye on that wear indicator and keep a check on brake dust. Anti seize is a good product to use here as well. All these solutions can work to stop brake squeal. This problem can be there on any of your wheels. So be sure to check them all carefully.

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